Anne Anderegg (CH): Silver Boom
Participatory performance

When and why does the female body become invisible with age? How do these bodies, carrying knowledge and stories, appear in the urban public space? What do they tell us? What can we learn from them?
Újpalotai vásárcsarnok
1156 Budapest, Nyírpalota út 52. (Bus stop 7, 'Vásárcsarnok')
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In her public performance, Anna Anderegg seeks answers to these questions in cooperation with local women over sixty. Silver Boom uses the tools of contemporary dance to lead its elderly participants back into our common spaces.
Concept and choreography: Anna Anderegg
Video: Milica Slacanin
Oeil exterieur: Johanna Hilari
Sound design Marco Barotti
The production is supported by the Csokonai Cultural Centre and Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia in cooperation with the PLACC Festival.
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