April May M Tue W Th F Sat S
Music Dance
Open-air dance

28. April 2024. 14:00-21:00

Madách Imre Square

This year, music and dance will return to Madách Square as the community launch event of the Budapest Spring Festival.

This year, music and dance will return to Madách Square as the community launch event of the Budapest Spring Festival.
Music Classical
Budapest Spring Festival Opening Event

Chamber Orchestra of Europe

29. April 2024. 19:00

Italian Cultural Institute of Budapest

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hungary's accession to the EU, the world-famous Chamber Orchestra of Europe opens the Budapest Spring Festival with an unmissable concert.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hungary's accession to the EU, the world-famous Chamber Orchestra of Europe opens the Budapest Spring Festival with an unmissable concert.
Music Classical
Ode to Joy

Ludus Europae

2024. április 30. 23:30


On 1 May 2024, we will celebrate the twentieth anniversary of our accession to the European Union with a very special and unique night.

On 1 May 2024, we will celebrate the twentieth anniversary of our accession to the European Union with a very special and unique night.
Music Jazz
International Jazz Day

Open Air Concert in Városháza Park

30. April 2024. 17:00-22:00

Városháza Park

Sparkling, enchanting melodies, original compositions, exceptional talent: this is how Budapest celebrates International Jazz Day.

Sparkling, enchanting melodies, original compositions, exceptional talent: this is how Budapest celebrates International Jazz Day.
Theater DocumentaryPerformance
Rimini Protokoll (DE): Home Visit Europe

Participatory performance in your living room

30. April - 5. May 2024

Private apartments in different locations in Budapest

What is Europe actually: a geographic border, a cultural identity, a coalition of states?

What is Europe actually: a geographic border, a cultural identity, a coalition of states?
Music Jazz
JazzFest Budapest 2024

27. April 2024. - 15. May 2024.

At several locations

Spring is a celebration of jazz when outstanding artists of the Hungarian and international scene play in Budapest's concert halls, clubs and public squares.

Spring is a celebration of jazz when outstanding artists of the Hungarian and international scene play in Budapest's concert halls, clubs and public squares.
Music Jazz
Europe Day

Sunrise Trio, Coltrane Legacy, Ioannis Vafeas Quartet

1. May 2024. 16:00

Trafó House of Contemporary Art

For one ticket you’ll get three amazing concerts at Trafó.

For one ticket you’ll get three amazing concerts at Trafó.
Cirque Inextremiste (FR): Damoclès

Participatory circus performance

1. May 2024.

Madách Imre Square

Ready for risk? Be the hero of this partipatory production by the French Cirque Inextremiste mixing dance, street art and music.

Ready for risk? Be the hero of this partipatory production by the French Cirque Inextremiste mixing dance, street art and music.
Exhibition Music
Kádár Emese: “Not_Found”

Solo Exhibition of the Winner of the Esterházy Art Dating

2. May 2024. 18:00

The Space Contemporary Art Gallery

The Space Contemporary Art Gallery presents "Not_Found", a solo exhibition by Emese Kádár, winner of the Esterházy Art Dating.

The Space Contemporary Art Gallery presents "Not_Found", a solo exhibition by Emese Kádár, winner of the Esterházy Art Dating.
Club Festival at the Town Hall

3, 4, 5 May 2024. & 10, 11 May 2024.

City Hall courtyard

Over the past 20 years, cultural and community spaces, the ruin pubs, have shaped the cityscape of Budapest and are still an integral part of the vibrant and diverse life of the capital.

Over the past 20 years, cultural and community spaces, the ruin pubs, have shaped the cityscape of Budapest and are still an integral part of the vibrant and diverse life of the capital.
Theater OTP SZÉP card
Roger Bernat (ES): Pending Vote (Pendiente De Voto)

Immersive parliamentary play

3 - 4. May 2024. 20:00

Trafó House of Contemporary Art

Welcome to the Parliamentary Chamber! Armed with a remote control, you are a Member of Parliament called to vote. Education, security, civil liberties, pop music... it's up to you to govern and take a stand!

Welcome to the Parliamentary Chamber! Armed with a remote control, you are a Member of Parliament called to vote. Education, security, civil liberties, pop music... it's up to you to govern and take a stand!
LUGO: Graffiti – köztéri kiállítás

May 3-12 2024.

Móricz Zsigmond körtér

The unique album showcasing Budapest's graffiti culture aims to bring one of László Lugosi's last series of photographs to the city's residents through a giant 60m2 projector.

The unique album showcasing Budapest's graffiti culture aims to bring one of László Lugosi's last series of photographs to the city's residents through a giant 60m2 projector.
Theater Fashion
Sustainable Fashion Movements

Rezes-Tihanyi-Gerlóczi: Revived wardrobe

4. May 2024. 21:00


Rethinking the way we dress is no longer a passing fad, but an increasingly necessary and inevitable part of our lives. Yet we often get lost in the mazes of fashion consumption, filling our wardrobes and our lives with more and more unused clothes.

Rethinking the way we dress is no longer a passing fad, but an increasingly necessary and inevitable part of our lives. Yet we often get lost in the mazes of fashion consumption, filling our wardrobes and our lives with more and more unused clothes.
Urban Legends: The Debt

Theatre audio walk

04 May 2024.

Kolibri Children and Youth Theatre

Father and son set out to collect the debt.

Father and son set out to collect the debt.
Performance OTP SZÉP cardVR
Seance (Necromancy)

Documentarist VR performance

05 May 2024 - 08 May 2024


Time travel allows us not only to look into the mirror of our past, but to face our contemporary problems.

Time travel allows us not only to look into the mirror of our past, but to face our contemporary problems.
Halas Dóra – Nagy Fruzsina – Soharóza: E-bloc

Catwalk Concert


Memento Park

Costume designer Fruzsina Nagy and conductor Dóra Halas created a surprising and original new genre: the catwalk concert.

Costume designer Fruzsina Nagy and conductor Dóra Halas created a surprising and original new genre: the catwalk concert.
Film Documentary
Sub/Version – Outdoor Documentary Film Cinema

Global themes, personal stories

6-8 May 2024

Városháza udvar

Sub/Version presents documentary films exploring the choices people make when striving to change their lives.

Sub/Version presents documentary films exploring the choices people make when striving to change their lives.
Don’t Cry For Me, Sarajevo (BH) – Susan Sontag in Sarajevo

Susan Sontag in Sarajevo Film screening (in Bosnian with English subtitles), meet and greet, book launch

6. May 2024. 19:00

ÖrkényKÖZ Workshop

Susan Sontag arrived in besieged Sarajevo in 1993, where she staged ‘Waiting for Godot’. The documentary features interviews with actors and creators of the play to present a moving account of life in Sarajevo under siege, where Susan Sontag’s presence brought a powerful burst of life. The black and white photos of Sarajevo under siege by prominent photographers Milomir Kovačević and Paul Lowe and their striking simplicity served as a visual inspiration for Nihad Kreševljaković’s film.

Susan Sontag arrived in besieged Sarajevo in 1993, where she staged ‘Waiting for Godot’. The documentary features interviews with actors and creators of the play to present a moving account of life in Sarajevo under siege, where Susan Sontag’s presence brought a powerful burst of life. The black and white photos of Sarajevo under siege by prominent photographers Milomir Kovačević and Paul Lowe and their striking simplicity served as a visual inspiration for Nihad Kreševljaković’s film.
Little Europe Filmfestival

Women in Charge

2024 május 7.

Toldi Cinema

This year, women take charge of Little Europe, while exploring the contemporary Central European cinema.

This year, women take charge of Little Europe, while exploring the contemporary Central European cinema.
After I Quit, After I Stayed

Immersive theatre performance by Stereo Akt

07. May 2024. 18:00

Wesley János Primary School

What makes a young teacher fresh out of university or a professional who has spent decades in education say goodbye to teaching?

What makes a young teacher fresh out of university or a professional who has spent decades in education say goodbye to teaching?
Maladype-SARTR (BH): Susan Sontag: Alice in Bed

Co-production of MESS International Theatre Festival, SARTR, Maladype Theatre and Budapest Spring Festival.

7. May 2024. 19:00

Örkény István Theatre

With unfettered fantasy, Susan Sontag’s play ‘Alice in Bed’ tells the story of Alice James (1848-1892), the sister of the world-renowned American novelist Henry James and the great psychologist and philosopher William James.

The performance will be performed in Bosnian with Hungarian and English subtitles.

With unfettered fantasy, Susan Sontag’s play ‘Alice in Bed’ tells the story of Alice James (1848-1892), the sister of the world-renowned American novelist Henry James and the great psychologist and philosopher William James.

The performance will be performed in Bosnian with Hungarian and English subtitles.
Performance Dance
Anne Anderegg (CH): Silver Boom

Participatory performance

8 - 9. May 2024.

Újpalotai vásárcsarnok

When and why does the female body become invisible with age? How do these bodies, carrying knowledge and stories, appear in the urban public space? What do they tell us? What can we learn from them?

When and why does the female body become invisible with age? How do these bodies, carrying knowledge and stories, appear in the urban public space? What do they tell us? What can we learn from them?
Music Jazz
Bill Evans & The Vansband All Stars (USA)

7. May 2024 20:30

Erkel Színház

The legendary saxophonist Bill Evans (Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock) brings together jazz greats on one stage as a team.

The legendary saxophonist Bill Evans (Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock) brings together jazz greats on one stage as a team.
The Island of Peace

a National Centre for Recreation and Integration performance - participatory game - concert

9-11. May 2024.

Central European University

A four-day series of performances, participatory actions, and concerts by members, former and current students, and teachers of the Freeszfe Association will transport you to a dystopian Hungary of 2034.

A four-day series of performances, participatory actions, and concerts by members, former and current students, and teachers of the Freeszfe Association will transport you to a dystopian Hungary of 2034.
20% sale
Theater OTP SZÉP cardPerformance
Hooligan Art Community (UA): Bunker Cabaret

Theatre in the bomb shelter

10., 09. May 2024


BUNKER CABARET is a new performance by Hooligan Art Community that started life in the bomb shelters of Kyiv. Combining music, poetry, dance and film, this unique theatre event is a powerful exploration of love versus totalitarianism, and the personal conflicts of making art in a time of war. By turns ironic, raw, funny and devastating, the performance starkly reveals the artists’ individual experiences of the war while communicating a shared humanity, creating beautiful moments of connection between artists and audiences.

BUNKER CABARET is a new performance by Hooligan Art Community that started life in the bomb shelters of Kyiv. Combining music, poetry, dance and film, this unique theatre event is a powerful exploration of love versus totalitarianism, and the personal conflicts of making art in a time of war. By turns ironic, raw, funny and devastating, the performance starkly reveals the artists’ individual experiences of the war while communicating a shared humanity, creating beautiful moments of connection between artists and audiences.
Design Without Borders

International design and all-arts event series

5. May - 23. June 2024

Kiscelli Museum

For the 20th time, the Kiscelli Museum will host the region's outstanding independent design and all-arts event series featuring nearly 200 artists from 20 countries. The rich programme will also include guided tours, contemporary dance performances, and classical and modern music concerts.

For the 20th time, the Kiscelli Museum will host the region's outstanding independent design and all-arts event series featuring nearly 200 artists from 20 countries. The rich programme will also include guided tours, contemporary dance performances, and classical and modern music concerts.
Music Jazz
New Waves

Moses Yoofee Trio, Sinnoi

10. May 2024. 19:00

Trafó House of Contemporary Art

One ticket - two concerts. Prepare yourself for an exciting meeting of musical worlds on the Trafó stage.

One ticket - two concerts. Prepare yourself for an exciting meeting of musical worlds on the Trafó stage.
Music Jazz
Jazz on the square

Nagy Emma Quintet, Ajtai Péter | Mingus! Mingus! Mingus! Lisztes Jenő Cimbalom Project feat. Roby Lakatos

10. May 2024 17:00-22:00

Rákóczi tér – Szabadtéri színpad

Exciting experiments and interpretations take in one evening. Representatives of a new generation of modern contemporary jazz, Nagy Emma Quintet's compositions include intricate drum grooves, free improvisations, contemporary compositions and unique arrangements.
The concerts are free of charge.

Exciting experiments and interpretations take in one evening. Representatives of a new generation of modern contemporary jazz, Nagy Emma Quintet's compositions include intricate drum grooves, free improvisations, contemporary compositions and unique arrangements.
The concerts are free of charge.

Béla Bartók reimagined for sampler, drum machine and turntable feat. Heureka Pop Orchestra

2024.05.10. 20:00

Városháza Park

Bartokosmos is composed entirely of individually re-composed transcriptions of works by Béla Bartók.
The concert is free of charge.

Bartokosmos is composed entirely of individually re-composed transcriptions of works by Béla Bartók.
The concert is free of charge.
Ssss… go to sleep, Budapest!

sleeping theatre for adults



Sleep theatre performance - arrive in your pyjamas
When was the last time you were covered up?

Sleep theatre performance - arrive in your pyjamas
When was the last time you were covered up?
Theatre Performance
Roaming Through the Chapters of the Budapest Grand Novel

TÁP walking theatre at the Town Hall



To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Budapest, 23 contemporary writers created the Budapest Big Novel, which was a great success with the public. The stories will be read by TÁP Theatre artists in the exciting spaces of the City Hall, allowing visitors to discover both the new literary creation and the previously unknown details of the huge building.

To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Budapest, 23 contemporary writers created the Budapest Big Novel, which was a great success with the public. The stories will be read by TÁP Theatre artists in the exciting spaces of the City Hall, allowing visitors to discover both the new literary creation and the previously unknown details of the huge building.
Music Jazz
Concert on the square

Péch Lóránt Trio Batyu | Borbély | Lőrinszky

Liszt Ferenc Square

Two exceptional trios will fill the Liszt Ferenc Square with music: pianist-composer Lóránt Péch and his fellow musicians will play well-known standards alongside their compositions, combining modern and traditional jazz.
The concerts are free of charge.

Two exceptional trios will fill the Liszt Ferenc Square with music: pianist-composer Lóránt Péch and his fellow musicians will play well-known standards alongside their compositions, combining modern and traditional jazz.
The concerts are free of charge.
The Island of Peace

a National Centre for Recreation and Integration performance - participatory game - concert

12. May 2024.

Crystal Stage

A four-day series of performances, participatory actions, and concerts by members, former and current students, and teachers of the Freeszfe Association will transport you to a dystopian Hungary of 2034.

A four-day series of performances, participatory actions, and concerts by members, former and current students, and teachers of the Freeszfe Association will transport you to a dystopian Hungary of 2034.
Music Classical
From Sapporo to Budapest

Piano concert by Takuma Onodera (JP)

12. May 2024. 19:00

Liszt Academy - Chambre Solti

His brilliant musical career started when he was five. Still a high school student, he had already performed at Carnegie Hall and won prizes at some of the world's most prestigious music competitions.

His brilliant musical career started when he was five. Still a high school student, he had already performed at Carnegie Hall and won prizes at some of the world's most prestigious music competitions.